Thursday, June 5, 2008

How Songs of Seduction Began

It all started about 5 years ago when I was at the top of my game. I had just gotten back from a tour in Europe with a prominent jazz/hip-hop artist that ended with a homecoming at the Atlanta Jazz Festival, and had started a new original band based in Savannah. In this band, I was going to be the lead guy again, center stage.
It was a great opportunitty in more ways than one.
I guess I should back up and give a little background for this scenario. I'd been seriously studying the PUA skills for a little over two years at this point. At the time, Mystery was just a Master PUA, and hadn't published anything except on Cliff's List and I got my info and advice from the SS List and Cliff's List mostly, and Lairs hadn't quite begun yet. Anyway there was no one from P.A.I.R in Savannah yet, and the only time I met with other PUAs was when I'd go out of town on tour or for a seminar. I'd been to two seminars. One was with the Essential Skills group, who comped me a press-pass ticket since I was also a journalist at the time (regretfully, my editor nixed the article). And about five months prior, I had been given a free seminar by Ross Jeffries in Atlanta for a sarge report I had posted on his private list.
At the Speed Seduction Seminar in Atlanta, Ross was teaching his new hyper-responsiveness and signal recognition technology, and there were over 30 guys to sarge with in the streets of Atlanta, so needless to say I had fun and learned alot. What's more, something happened that helped lead to the Songs of Seduction.
While talking to 40ish SS Student about my being an accomplished musician, he asked me "Didn't you get alot of girls playing all over Europe and the East Coast, without SS?"
I had to think about the answer for a minute, but I replied something like, "Actually, no. Every once and a while I might hook up by accident, but all music really gets you is social proof. Anyway, I didn't know how to recognize an SOI, and much less know how to act on it. It's still not getting me laid, only the PUA skills are. There's hardly time between sets and load-up and load-out to get to talk to the women. The hot ones are often gone before we finish breaking down and getting paid."
There was another musican talking with us at the seminar, and he agreed that he had had the same experience in his gigging pursuits. It got me to thinking...
There was alot of talk on the Lists about the NLP language Peter Parker uses in the first Spiderman movie when talking to Mary Jane. I used that as a springboard for a song that would help me to single out a specific woman in an audience and begin to seduce her before the set break, so that I might choose the women in the audience that I liked rather than the ones who happened to be sticking around after the end of the show. The result was "To MJ," and it worked wonders for me.
Next post, I'll disclose how that first song developed into the Songs of Seduction, the album that gets your woman in the mood just by playing in the background!

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