Monday, March 22, 2010

Songs of Seduction on Ebay!


Back by popular demand, the forbidden rock/pop music album created for the sole purpose of lightning fast seduction!

Buy now, after searching the net for the very best in persuasion technology, you probably already know about the amazing power of hypnosis and NLP, the importance of running attraction and comfort if you want to have good game, and the special ability that music has to change a person's mood and arousal level. You may even have become fascinated by the power of binary beats, brainwave inductions, and state inducing rhythm sequences. But what if there were a CD that incorporated all of these things into one lethal package that did all the work FOR YOU, without you having to memorize and use all of the techniques yourself?

What if there were a Platinum sounding album that set her in just the right rhythm and mood for it's own perfect journey into seduction? These 9 songs have been recorded and arranged to create feelings of security and comfort in women......and then capture and lead her imagination, start the attraction process, and quickly GET HER IN THE SACK!

State of the art NLP, pattern interrupts, post hypnotic suggestions, and an arsenal of PUA language techniques combined with hypnotic but hip music lead her through the seduction process FOR YOU!

Best of all, it looks like a regular pop-rock album and sounds like the best alt rock on the air! With lyrics carefully written by top NLP programmers and PUAs, and music recorded by world-class recording artists, Songs of Seduction uses the latest in persuasion techniques together with rhythmic emotional influence technology to give you a PUA tool that's as close to a Magic Bullet as anything you'll ever find.

As seen on the recent Discovery Channel special "The Science of Seduction," certain sequences of rhythmic and tone produce arousal in women. By creating a relaxed, connected atmosphere with pop-rock and then slowly changing segueing into a more physically excited ambience with alt rock, the music primes her for the sultry songs at the end that leave any woman "in the mood."

Combine this with proven NLP seduction patterns and PUA techniques that guide her through the journey and directly to YOU, sung by indie greats and studio virtuosos, and you have the most amazing seduction tool ever to hit the communitty!

Buy now you can begin to understand all the pleasure that this cutting edge CD can bring you. THIS IS NOT SUBLIMINAL MESSAGING! THIS IS NOT SIMPLY "MOOD MUSIC!" This is tried and proven brainwave entrainment technology combined with top notch musicianship, songwriting and pure hypnotic NLP persuasion!

Check out our 100% positive FEEDBACK section to see what happy customers have to say about this unique, mind-altering album! No need to pay hundreds of dollars in seminars or home study courses with this CD. Though the album IS a powerful tool for seasoned veteran pick-up artists, it can also be used even by those who have no experience in seduction, PUA arts, or NLP whatsoever! If you can get her in a car, room, office....or virtually anywhere there is a CD player....she WILL get horny! It's up to you to get her to the music, and a good idea to be alone with her when she begins to get hot and bothered!

Comes complete with a full instructional leaflet and descriptions of the techniques used in each song. If your game is tight, Songs of Seduction will make it EVEN TIGHTER! If you have no game, Songs of Seduction will GIVE YOU THE POWER!

Get yours today, and get laid tonight!

Buy It Now!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bring Out Her Inner Slut!

Who else wants the secret to non-stop sex?
How To Get Your Woman
To Beg You For Wild, Kinky,
Rip-Up-The-Sheets SEX Every Day!

"It's Like Having Your Own Personal Nymphomaniac!"

Here's What People Are Saying About
David Shade


My girlfriend told me how much she likes that I am leading her in bedroom. She is telling me every time after we have had sex that she hasn't ever been coming like she just did.
She once said that it's not fair that she has 20 orgasms during intercourse and I have only one. Well, I told her that her orgasms gives me a great pleasure and its mutual satisfaction that she is having multiple orgasms. I haven't seen happier face before.
Matti P. Finland


We were at a hum drum place in our marriage with busy schedule and kids, but after my wife found your website and started getting your material... words cannot even describe how things have changed.
David man... both our worlds have been rocked. Sex is like nothing I ever imagined it could be and she says the same.
There's nothing like watching a woman experience her first vaginal orgasm. She squirted and it was amazing! It's turned her into a sex craved manic... which I love!!!
Robert Simmons
North Carolina

David Shade's Secret Journal reveals how a beautiful woman's orgasmic potential is released through emotional bonding, leading and sexual skill. And the potential is far beyond what most people would ever dare to imagine.
I can think of many outcomes the average male could have reached with "Anne". The outcomes reached were spectacular -- almost unbelievable -- and David Shade gives you a step by step anatomy of the emotional and mental aspects of deep sexual connection, and the incredible orgasmic potential unleashed in a woman who is brought along in just the right way...
As one of David's students who has produced a few miracles of my own, I can tell you that this is real, it is awesome, and it is a world class superhighway for any male to be considered to be a Magic Miracle Man by a desirable woman.
Take David's lessons to heart and you will be The Man.
Bob Mays - Ontario Canada

From: David Shade
Just outside of Detroit MI
Monday February 15, 2009

Dear Friend,
One of the most common questions I get goes like this...
"David, your stuff is great! My woman tells me I'm the best lover she's ever had. But I can't seem to get her to do the really wild stuff like you do. What am I missing???"
As I thought about it, I realized out of all the men around the world I have helped in the last decade, only a handful of them get their women to the point where they will do almost anything sexually taboo like threesomes or acting out their wildest fantasies.
This really bothered me. I know my stuff works, and at least a some guys are living a sexual lifestyle that would make a rock star jealous. On the other hand, I want ALL my clients to have this kind of wild sex!
Add to this the fact that every year I receive over 9,000 emails, letters, and phone calls from men and women asking me to help them have better sex and more exciting relationships. I'm telling you this because it didn't take me long to notice something very important...
Both Men AND Women
Have Fantasies About
My point... They both want the same damn thing!
Now, this might not be news to you, but I can tell you from my experience, most guys don't think women want sex and they couldn't be more wrong.
Women are frustrated! Women want hot sex, yet it rarely happens. And it's not just women... the majority of people are unsatisfied with their sex lives.
Otherwise sex wouldn't be the #1 topic searched for on the Internet, and my inbox wouldn't be overflowing with requests for help on a daily basis.
Here is a small sample of emails I get almost every day from frustrated women. (Note: names withheld for privacy reasons. Originals on file and available upon request.)

How do you tell a guy, without hurting his ego, that he needs to learn how to please you sexually? Been dating this great guy for a couple of months and love to be with him but he doesn't seem to have any idea of how to please a woman except through intercourse.
I know it's a sensitive subject so do you have any suggestions on how to tactfully tell him to study up on sex techniques?

My boyfriend doesn't want sex as much as me. And when he does he wants to "make love" where as I want to be "fucked like a slut"! I want to fuck every night! As often as possible! He wants it maybe once a week (if that!)
What is wrong with him? I'm worried that I'm going to cheat on him. I love him and everything else in our relationship is great. We've been together for 6 months

I've been with my man for nearly two years. When it comes to our lovemaking, he is very quick. There is no foreplay before and after. I'm not able to take much more of this I'm at my wits end and with no clue as to what to do, please help!

How do I get my lover to get kinky with me, he has professed that he is scared of hurting me. But I NEED that kinky stuff!

So I had to ask myself, how is it that if both men and women constantly fantasize about wildly exciting sex... it rarely happens?
Here's what I've figured out over time, men and women each have a unique set of problems which get in the way of having great sex. The sad thing is, these are problems which are easily solved once you know what to do.
What Blocks Men From Having Wild Kinky Sex:
§ Don't believe women want sex (or enjoy it as much as men do)
§ Don't have confidence in the bedroom
§ Don't know how to lead her to overcome society conditioning and let out the horny sexual creature inside of every woman
What Blocks Women From Having Wild Kinky Sex:
§ Society conditioning to be a 'good girl' and not be a slut
§ Finding a man she can trust to lead her and can handle it when she lets her true sexual nature out
Like you saw above, women want sex. And I've got news for you... women are much more sexual than men. Fact is, they are highly sexual creatures who have been having deep, dark erotic fantasies starting way back when boys her age were more concerned with comic books and Hot Wheels cars.
Women LOVE to fantasize and dream about steamy sexual encounters. This is why romance novels as a category outsell all other books year after year.
But with very rare exceptions, most women never act on their fantasies. Why you ask? For the simple reason they can't find a man who they can trust to be secure enough to not freak out when she let's herself go wild. She fears he will think she is a SLUT!
Every woman secretly desires to be 'slutty' with her man,
but no woman wants to be labeled a 'slut'.
Big freaking difference!

Do you know how to unleash her deepest sexual desires?
Thus most women keep their true sexual nature locked up, hidden away. All the while she's hoping and dreaming of meeting a man who can lead her in the bedroom so she can surrender and let go.
And most men, having been culturally trained to be 'nice' to women, can't get past their own social conditioning to be enough of a 'bad boy' in the bedroom to get her to let her 'inner slut' out.
Bluntly this results in a lot of sexual frustration for men and women, and it sucks!
Now, I understand that it's easy to be skeptical. Our culture bombards us with the message that 'Good Girls' aren't sexual creatures. Frankly it's a load of horse crap.
But here's the thing, if you don't believe women are sexual... they won't be (for you). Oh, you'll find women to have sex with, but she won't do much more than 'normal' sex.
All those fantasies you've had about the wild, fun, freaky bedroom gymnastics... they will never happen.
Even more important...
If you don't keep a woman sexually satisfied
she'll dump you like week-old garbage
or even worse... she'll cheat on you!
I learned the hard way, but at least I learned. Some men never get it, and end up with a string of dead-end broken relationships.
Look, I don't expect you to believe me... read these letters. I get these all the time from women. (Names withheld for privacy, all originals on file and available on request)

I have a long term relationship with a man, I'm talking decades here. Just as you describe some men, he is THE most wonderful man to have except for sex. Not only is he a mediocre lover but he has no sex drive either. Needless to say, I've had to look elsewhere for a man that can actually talk me into orgasm very quickly and over and over again. I'm tired of cheating but what can I do to make my man be more interested?

I'm semi-happily married to my husband with whom I share many interests but he lacks any style in the bedroom. He has not been able to bring me to orgasm ever in eleven years of being together.
I have bought toys to help and he actually gets jealous of them. I did tell him I like dirty talk and all the other things I know I like.
I have been chatting with another male friend who sounds like he knows very well how to please a woman and tells me all the things he would do to me. I have been very tempted to be with him but know it's not really going to help my situation at home.
Then sometimes I think having a lover to satisfy my needs on the side is just what I need. This other person is only looking to sexually gratify me, nothing else.
I'm wondering if their is something else I can do to convince my husband to take my subtle clues I need him to be more interested in satisfying me. He does oral for maybe three minutes then wham bam thank you mam.
I'm VERY frustrated all the time!! Help me because I'm soooo tempted to take this other man up on his offer.

I've been with a "man" for the last year and a half.. and the sex has been, well, so so. No foreplay. I have to initiate it all. I have to be the one to talk dirty ALL the time(and EVERYWHERE).
His motto for the last year and a half has been how much he wants to "please" me. Needless to say, it's become very boring, arduous and sometimes painful for lack of foreplay. I've even sent him a copy of this newsletter.. that did not go over big!
Am I right in dumping him?

My point? I want to hammer home that Sexual Satisfaction is extremely important to women! And they will look elsewhere to get it if you don't give it to them. They will leave you, or cheat on you, and worst of all, they will lose respect for you. Any relationship is a lost cause at that point.
But, it doesn't have to be that way. And that's what this is all about. In fact, when you know how, you can get any woman to go so far outside the box of everyday sex, she'll think she's in her own steamy romance novel.
The irony is, what men want most in a sexual relationship has been right in front of you your whole life! Unless you live in a monastery, you are surrounded by women in your daily life. And...
Women secretly fantasize about meeting a man
who knows how to bring out her Wild Sexual Side!
They dream about this stuff all the time. Frankly what women fantasize about with doing with such a man would shock you!
Like I said earlier, the problem is you don't know how to bring it out of her. And here's the thing... it's not your fault. How do I know? Simple, I was the same way for many years.
I was in my mid 30's and had to go through a painful divorce to shake me up enough to discover the truth about female sexuality.
My first big clue... my wife left me to have sex with a 'bad boy'! (Truth is, the guy did me a huge favor. Because of him I got out of a marriage that wasn't right for me)
That was the kick-in-the-pants I needed, and I set out to learn all I could about women, relationships, and sexual pleasure so I would never have to go through something that painful again. Over 17 years of research and experimentation with all things sexual between a man and a woman, and 12 years of teaching men how to give women incredible pleasure.
I dedicated the last few years to working out a way to solve the bigger problem of how to get men and women together to enjoy their mutual sexual fantasies, no matter how kinky...
Of how any man can lead any woman to open up sexually and do ANYTHING in the bedroom...
Of how fantasies can become real in the context of a relationship, fantasies like threesomes, anal sex, BDSM, swinging, and more.
I have now created a system to make this happen. I call it...

Satisfy her sexual desires and she
will return the pleasure with such
enthusiasm, it will make you blush!
The Bring Out Her
Inner Slut System
I spent the last 3 1/2 years working on a way for men to bring out the inner slut inside EVERY woman, to turn her into the wild uninhibited sexual creature she craves to be and you fantasize about.
I wanted to come up with a way to have men get what they want and women get what they want. A foolproof system that would lead to a powerful and exciting sexual relationship. The kind of breathtaking relationship very few people ever experience in a lifetime.
I first introduced these new methods at an intimate seminar in Tampa earlier this year with some of my top clients. I wanted them to field test it before I released it. The success stories I got back were awesome, and what's really cool is how fast they came in.
This BOHIS System has two key components...
Bring Out Her Inner Slut Manual:
This is must-reading for any man who seriously hungers to understand what women want from a man sexually (but will never, ever tell you)
You'll find a detailed breakdown of women' hidden sexual desires... their most secret steamy romantic cravings... plus an uncensored guide to their physical and emotional 'hot buttons'.
Everything in the BOHIS System is designed to give you an almost unfair sexual advantage with women!
This is exactly the kind of "Sexuality & Relationship Manual" women have been secretly praying you would discover.
The secrets revealed here will have an immediate and dramatic impact on your life -- giving you a simple and easy way to finally understand what's going on deep inside a woman's mind.

Guaranteeing that your life is filled with
intense sexual pleasure and white-hot passion!
Any woman who becomes your lover will be astonished at how you satisfy her unspoken needs. (She'll think you are reading her mind) You'll instantly become the "dream guy" she's always longed for.
Plus, you will finally know how to consistently satisfy a woman's deepest sexual needs, while she returns the pleasure with a intensity that will both surprise and delight you!
Let me warn you up front about one thing... there are sex acts described in this manual which will likely go beyond the boundaries of your own fantasies. In other words... outside of your comfort zone.
How far you want to go is up to you. I have clients who have requested the super kinky stuff because in their relationship they are ready for it.
I'm telling you this because I've held NOTHING back.
* Taboo * * Spanking * * Constraints * * FMF Threesomes * * BDSM *

* Play Parties * * Sex In Public * * Swinging * * Strap Ons *

* Erotic Photos * * Role Play ** MFM Threesomes * * Home Made Porn *

* Domination * * Sex Toys * * Role Play * * And More!*

IT'S ALL IN THIS SYSTEM! With explicitly detailed step-by-step instructions on how you can lead your woman into having these Wild & Kinky experiences... with you!
Plus I'll tell you what to expect in these new situations and how to deal with it so you can seem like a 'pro'. Your woman will follow you as long as you are confident, dominant, and lead the way. This will allow her to feel safe and excited at the same time.
This stuff is LETHAL. Your woman is going become wildly crazy about you. She is going to fall madly in love with you. You and her are going to have an amazingly exciting and successful relationship.
It works.

It's powerful.

Any guy can do it.

Women LOVE IT!

The Bring Out Her Inner Slut Seminar:
This was a special event attended by my advanced clients. Men traveled from as far away as Italy, Hawaii, and Dubai to attend.
It was the first time I laid out the major elements of how to bring out a woman's Inner slut. It was a chance for me to present this information to a group of men and couples who already had the core fundamentals of being a masterful lover and who would instantly be able to put what I taught into action.
I recorded that seminar and the audio of me explaining this revolutionary system is available to you for the first time as part of the Bring Out Her Inner Slut program. You'll also get the full printed transcripts so you can read along and make notes.
I'm including it as part of the system for two reasons, first you'll get audio recordings of the seminar so you can listen while you are in your car, on airplanes, or commuting to work.
Second, there were many questions asked and answered that day. Chances are these are the same questions you will have after reading the system manual, so you'll find them answered here.
Here's what you'll discover in the complete Bring Out Her Inner Slut system:
§ A step-by-step guide to go from 'vanilla sex' to bedroom activities so kinky it would make a porn-star blush!
§ How to easily introduce TABOO into your sex play, even if she's a preacher's daughter.
§ How to drive her crazy with pleasure as you linger "on the edge" of her orgasm until YOU decide she's ready... then drive her over the edge for the most explosive orgasm she's ever known!
§ How to utilize Mental Foreplay to keep her panties soaking wet hours before your date even begins
§ How to drive any woman WILD in bed!
§ How to have you and your lover act out each other's most erotically charged fantasies!
§ Superimposing Orgasms... do this, and she'll faint from pleasure!
§ A truly unique way to give your lover a knee-buckling orgasm so powerful, she won't be able to describe it with words!
§ How to give your woman previously unknown peaks of extended sexual ecstasy!
§ How you can make her orgasms last... and last... and last -- up to an hour (and even longer if she can handle it)
§ How you can become so totally comfortable with sexual power, women can 'smell' it on you like a cat smells tuna!
§ Why 'positions' do not have any damn thing to do with a woman's sexual pleasure!
§ How to train her to tell you when she is about orgasm, and why this makes it even more exciting for her!
§ How you can make Heart-Pounding intimacy last forever! (no matter if you are single or married... young or old)
§ The Keys to lasting sexual enjoyment. Simple steps any man can take to more fully satisfy his woman!
§ Why giving women supercharged erotic pleasure has nothing to do with previous sexual experience!
§ The shocking truth about how sexually hungry women really are!
§ How to guarantee your lover will have multiple over-the-top orgasms every time she's with you.
§ Simple steps to re-ignite any long term relationship or marriage gone 'cold'!
§ The foolproof "Orgasm Trigger" even most medical doctors don't know about!
§ How to enjoy the best sex of your life, at any age!
§ How to quickly & easily crank her sex-drive into overdrive!
§ Immediately increase the frequency and pleasure of your sex life! (She'll want it as often as you can do it)
§ A guaranteed way to experience deeper and more intense feelings of Intimacy... trust... and pure pleasure with your partner!
§ What your woman really wants from you, but will never come out and tell you!
§ The secret pleasure spot on a woman's body -- so hidden away by nature, not one man in a thousand even knows about it!
§ Finally know how to consistently satisfy a woman's deepest sexual desires!
§ How to make sure YOU are the guy who gives her the best sex she'll ever have! (Ruin it for all the other guys)
§ The major reasons you're currently not getting the sex you want! (Doesn't matter if you are a single guy or a husband)
§ Married with children? How to rapidly increase the frequency and intensity of your sex life!
§ What every man needs to know about the concept of "romance" -- all women talk about behind our backs. It's more important to her than food -- she'll either get it from you, or from somewhere else!
§ How to overcome her shyness, inhibitions, or cultural baggage and turn her into a sex fanatic!
§ A complete end-to-end game plan to unleach her deepest darkest sexual desires so she can be totally slutty with you!

I wanted to make sure there is no stone left unturned for you. Like I said... foolproof system if you follow it. Here's a letter I got from one of the men who attended, about a week after the seminar.

But here's the really killer part,
You're going to love this...
From Boring Sex To Sex Maniac
About one year into my research on this new system, I met a new woman by the name of Anne. Age 30, married to a lame lover and she was not having orgasms. She divorced him.
Then she and I got together, and I awakened her sexuality. Soon I was giving her Wild Screaming Orgasms and having her engage in all kinds of wild taboo sexual activity with me.
I secretly kept a journal starting on the day I met her.
Now this is no ordinary journal, this was an exact record of everything I did, everything I said, and fully explicit descriptions of how I lead Anne from being a bored unfulfilled woman who was not enjoying sex with her husband, to being a wildly passionate slut in the bedroom with me.
And when I say Explicit... you better believe it's ALL there.

Make sure YOU are the man who gives her
the best sex she'll ever have!

David Shade's
Secret Journal
Let's face it, we men are linear thinkers and like to have a process to follow in the same way we like road maps and GPS units when we are driving somewhere we've never been before.
Historically maps are made by the first person to explore uncharted territory. The map makes it easier for everyone else to follow the same path. This gave an idea to help men truly understand how to bring out a woman's inner slut.
When I met Anne, I knew we would hit it off. I knew I could bring out her 'Inner Slut' if given the chance.
So, I decided to keep a journal of everything we did in the context of sexuality in our relationship. It evolved into a 2 1/2 year narrative of how I led this attractive shy woman into progressively more exiting, more erotic, and more kinky sexual adventures. And how by experiencing these things with me, it made our relationship stronger.
In this journal I do everything you'll learn in the Bring Out Her Inner Slut (BOHIS) system. You'll discover the sequence I used. You'll find exactly what I said to her every step of the way, including phone, email, and text messages. You'll see what I do when I encounter resistance, unwanted behavior, and even how I deal with it when she gets upset with me.
You'll watch her start with baby steps and quickly become 'addicted' to the orgasms and powerful emotions she has within our relationship. She learned to trust and let go and in return experiences a level of pleasure and intimacy most women only find in romance novels.
You get to be a fly on the wall and follow my every move, my every thought, and every word I say as I turn her into a orgasm addict. You'll read her messages to me begging me to come over and satisfy her, and you'll know how to get your woman to do the same for you.
Ever wonder what David Shade does in the bedroom? Now you'll know. In intimate detail!
Want to know how I solve problems getting her to orgasm? She was a tough case! You'll get full details including what did NOT work, and what DID work, so you can see how I zoomed in on what was keeping her from letting go and eliminated the problem. And how I led her into becoming a wild sex crazed monster with me.
Ever wonder how I keep a woman literally dripping wet every minute we are apart, so she's going nuts to get in bed with me? I'll show you all my secrets.
It's ALL there. I've opened up the door to my inner sanctum and I'm inviting you in.
It's Like A Sexuality Playbook For Men
You can use this as a playbook to keep the relationship exciting as you ramp up the level of sexual adventure. Plus you'll know how to provide for her emotional needs which will make her closer to you and only want to be with you. After all, you'll be giving her more pleasure in more ways than any man she's ever known.
And get this... every woman who read a preview copy secretly admitted they got so excited reading it that they had to masturbate!
And there is a valuable lesson here... WOMEN WANT THIS KIND OF THING TO HAPPEN TO THEM.
Until a few months ago, no one even knew this journal existed. Until a few weeks ago only a handful of people had read it, until now, no one could get a copy of it.
This is nuclear powered material because it ties all the pieces together in such a way that men can easily use it to get the exact same results with any woman.
Originally I was going to sell this separately and charge $397 for it. This represents 2 1/2 years of my life and is deeply personal. But others who read it convinced me it needed to be a part of the Inner Slut System, so I agreed.
Once you understand what I show you in Bring Out Her Inner Slut system, you can use my Journal as a roadmap to do the same thing with your woman.
The combination of these two is absolutely LETHAL!

WARNING: It is extremely important that you choose your woman wisely as these methods will cause her to become ADDICTED TO SEX with you!

It's everything you need to have heart-pounding sex, and it's exactly what you need to know for a woman to have wild sex with you!
I think every man should own this. And I'm not alone, as you'll find out below, more than anybody else... women want you to know this stuff!

Unbelievable... He's telling you everything we wish you could know as a man. Everything we wish we could teach you as a man to give us wild screaming orgasms!

Heather Ann Havenwood - Orlando FL

Thank you for doing this product, Bringing Out Her Inner Slut, because I think that's actually allowing women to be women!

I just wanted to say that, first of all I have two Bachelors, a Masters degree, I'm a film producer and a professional writer, so I think I qualify in the smart category. And I have to say that I am so happy that you do this work.
God bless you because the world needs you. I think you should be mandatory reading material for all boys starting at 18 years old and moving up there and what you're doing is amazing.
And thank you for doing this product, Bringing Out Her Inner Slut, because I think that's actually allowing women to be women. And it's so necessary. So thank you. I cannot wait to explore it further and I'm so glad we had this opportunity today to hear about it and see so many receptive to it. It's just so exciting.

Macarena Lovemore - Hollywood CA

The info is downright lethal!
Another great piece of work, David! The info is downright lethal and I TOTALLY agree with your hammering home the point for guys to use these techniques only on high self-esteem women.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to proof read such a wonderful manuscript. It was a masterpiece; plain and simple, and was by far the most enjoyable work I've ever edited. Your customers are going to be very pleased with this book. You really outdid yourself on this one.

Steve Thomas - Los Angeles, CA

This stuff really works!

This stuff really works! My boyfriend's tried it on me, the whole thing and it all works.

Elizabeth - Miami FL

David Shade's material gives you a certain inner confidence that allows you to know women are going to have an amazing sexual time with you!

There is a huge element that is missing in the seduction community and that is teaching men how to act behind closed doors, how to really turn a woman on and how to convey the right confident male sexuality that women go crazy about.
David Shade is the only person I know of that goes in depth into this area how to really sexually turn a woman on and have amazing incredible sex and be the type of guy in the bedroom that a woman just can't get enough of.
David Shade's material gives you a certain inner confidence that allows you to know women are going to have an amazing sexual time with you.

J-Dog - Co-Star VH1's The Pickup Artist

There are many more thank you letters and audio recordings I've received on the bottom of this message. All of them are authentic and I'll be glad to show you the originals upon request.
And now... there's one more thing I want to tell you about. It's a special FREE bonus gift to the first 50 men who invest in a copy of my Bring Out Her Inner Slut system...

Here's What You Get:

Description Value Your Investment
BOHIS Manual $297 Included!
BOHIS Seminar recorded in Tampa, 2008
Audio (4 Compact Discs) $195 Included!
BOHIS Seminar Transcripts $195 Included!
David Shade's Secret Journal $297 Included!
Quick Start Guide $29 Included!
Custom Binders $29 Included!
Value if purchased separately: $1,042
Your Investment only: $347

I fully stand behind this program. In fact I'm going to make you an extraordinary guarantee:

One full year of the most erotic thrilling sex
of your life -- or you pay nothing!"
When you order Bring Out Her Inner Slut & Secret Journal, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
Over the next year, you and your lover must begin to experience the most erotic, passionate heart-pounding sex of your lives, or you may send it back for a no-hassle, no questions asked 100% money-back refund.
You have nothing to lose, yet a lifetime of greater sexual pleasure to gain. So click the button below and order you copy today!

Order Now!
Yes David! Send me my copy of
'Bring Out Her Inner Slut' and
'David Shade's Secret Journal'

Orders within the USA are shipped via 2 day USPS Priority Mail.
Orders outside of the USA are shipped via USPS Air Mail
On the next page, select the correct shipping for your country. Normal product shipping applies here.
To be immediately connected to Customer Service
and ask any questions you may have about this offer,
simply call this toll-free number
and when you hear my voice announcement,

press the number "0"

and you will be immediately connected to a live person!

Give women incredible pleasure!

P.S. - Remember, your satisfaction is fully guaranteed for a full year. If you aren't completely satisfied for any reason (or even no reason at all) just return it and I'll give you 100% of your money back. No questions asked and no hard feelings.
P.P.S. - This is exactly the kind of "Sexuality & Relationships Owner's Manual" women have been praying you discover. You've read the letters from women on this page, and heard what they had to say. They want this.
There's only one thing... wishing, hoping and dreaming won't make it happen. You actually need to take action and do something different. Start by getting your copy of Bring Out Her Inner Slut today!
P.P.P.S. - This VIP Inner Circle Members offer is only until Sunday, March 15, 2009, at exactly 11:59 PM Eastern time. Don't wait, that's when opportunities are missed. No excuses will be accepted.

I can definitely say that I've gotten
more than my money's worth!

I'm Bob and I've actually flown in from Italy. I've come a great distance and upon initially signing up for the seminar I almost got a little bit of buyer's remorse there. I was kind of worried that I might not get everything I was paying for, but in retrospect after the thing, is after learning everything that I learned today, I can definitely say that I've gotten more than my money's worth.
Highly recommend it to anybody who's out there considering purchasing a David Shade product. I purchased several in the past.
What I've gained out of this is, in the areas that I wasn't necessarily sure how to apply that stuff, I can definitely walk out of here and feel like I am able to apply these in those areas. I've learned a couple new things today.
I think that the strongest thing I've learned is talking with other people who agreed with me on this, that the women here who are in the audience today actually assured the effectiveness of the material. And you can see some of the women who actually tried it. A lot of them hadn't, but apparently it's effective in addressing all the needs and desires that they have. I'm highly impressed and I'll definitely be purchasing other products.

Bob - Italy

With almost 280 pages of material, I have a note written on page 42 that simply reads, "Mind Blown!"
You told me the Secret Journal would blow my mind, and after reading it, I think you were being modest with that statement. With almost 280 pages of material, I have a note written on page 42 that simply reads, "Mind Blown!" These are some of the most intense accounts of human sexuality that I've ever read.
One of the most interesting parts of the Journal is the fact that it actually took a while for her to become responsive to you. I learned a lot from how you dealt with her hang-ups and your own frustrations. It wasn't easy, but you eventually lead her to extreme heights of pleasure like nothing she (or most anybody else) had ever experienced. Also, you detailed the exact steps you used to awaken her sexuality and make all these amazing things possible for her. This showed me how the techniques fit into the big picture, the big picture being an exciting, fulfilling, highly sexual, and loving relationship.
I love the section which delved into the swinging community, and one couple in particular who used swinging as a way to salvage their marriage (interesting and counter-intuitive solution). Most people believe swingers have seen it all, but even this adventurous couple were taken by surprise from the ecstasy you were able to give your lover. I could just imagine the look on their faces! Awesome!

Colley Bailey - Arkansas
Masterful-Lover Store on Ebay