Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thundercat Talks Shit and I Have to Step Up and Break Him Down

Below I've posted Thundercat's original article about the Leykis/Jeffries debate supplemented with my commentswhere appropriate. This Thundercat guy is a real tool and I see him constantly displaying his lack of knowledge and experience in the seduction field on his blog. My comments are in bold italics.

Leykis Vs. Jeffries

No bigsurprise that MINE'99 likes to attack people who are better than him (which is pretty much just about everybody in the scene). And in one of his latest blog posts, he targets Tom Lykis, popular radio personality and "Hollywood Ladies Man."

Check out this rant Ross spewed...

Ross Jeffries writes:
Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student,

One of the questions I’m sometimes asked is, “What do you think of Tom Leykis and Leykis 101?”

For those of you who don’t know, Leykis has an enormously popular syndicated radio talk show(he’s on 97.1 FM here in Southern California) where he mostly preaches his misogynist doctrine on success with women, called Leykis 101.

While Leykis talks about the importance of having game, which is certainly important, it his definition of what game is that is troublesome and twisted.

Essentially Leykis believes that women are attracted mostly to men with money, and that women have sex not because they mostly enjoy it, but to latch on to a man and use him as a meal ticket. And he further believes that by treating women like trash, they will feel the need to validate themselves by sleeping with the men who treat them in this fashion.

For him, game is therefore about lying to women about your social-economic status to make yourself more appealing and treating women like doo doo.

What isn’t stated in all of this is what I actually find most troubling; that sex is basically about dumping your load on or into someone who visually excites you but emotionally repels you. It’s about stimulation and discharge and nothing more; a sort of very vivid and interactive jack-off.

Isn’t it interesting? His view of women and how they should be treated, matches up and reflects his experience of sex. If you hold people as contemptible then how could you view joining with them intimately as something other than contemptible at worst, or merely mechanical build up and release at best?

And beyond that, his ideas are inaccurate to be generous about it. The biggest inaccuracy that women don’t enjoy and crave sex for its own sake, and that pretending to be able to buy them is the best way to go about things.

Very sad for Tom and for those listeners he badly misleads. For those of us who know how to capture and lead womens’ imagination and emotions, we know how utterly unnecessary the contempt and the lying is, and how grateful women are to be lead to the kinds of wonderful feelings they deeply crave.

Dump the hate, Tom. And open up your mind.

Peace and piece,


P.S. If you are a Leykis listener I especially invite your comments.

Well, Ross, you're in luck, because I AM a Lykis listener, and I've got some comments...

>First of all - I love how MINE'99 berates Tom for hating women, when its obvious to anyone with a brain that Ross has more hate and bitterness towards women than any man since Ted Bundy.

How so? he treats the ones I've seen him with pretty well, and keeps names and situations much more annonymous on the net than most money grubbing PUA gurus do.

>(The only difference here is that women tended to LIKE Ted Bundy before he went all psycho killer on them.)

Just hurling insults with nothing to back them up? Another sign of insecurity. No wonder you can't simply ask a girl her number at a supermarket, even when you've got good rapport with her.

>Need I remind the world that Ross is the guy who proudly taught people how to regress a woman back to childhood and fuck with her sexual identity so you can have sex with them?

Where do you get this stuff? I certainly haven't ever seen anything like that in the 14 years I've been keeping up with SS.

Now, age regression is a great hypnotic technique that can change people's lives for the better, and technology has no morality. I've age regressed people for their benefit because they asked me to, or because we were having fun in that playful state that only kids usually get to experience. But it wasn't "fucking with a woman's mind to get laid."

I know it's hard for you to grasp because you seem to come from an extremely strict religious background. But there's nothing wrong with yoga, meditation, hypnosis, or whatever. It's just a really relaxing state, and Jesus don't mind if you relax your brain and enjoy yourself.

> How women are nothing but objects to be turned into "sex slaves" through hypnosis?

No, never heard that either. Maybe it's in the marketing of the old Penthouse magazines? Don't me stupid, dude, you at least grasp the basics of marketing and headlining, no?

>Anyone who was in the early days of SS knows how bitter Ross is towards women.

Last time I checked "bitter" was an emotion not a life-long disease, and I don't recall much bitterness in him anyways.
You, however, that's a different story.

> This is also a guy who joked about hypnotizing his brother's wife into giving him a blowjob.

Man you can really dig shit up out of some back alley, can't you?
Did he do actually do it or did he joke about it? If it's the latter, lighten up. If it's the fomer, what does this have to do with the fact that this Lykis guy is a joke, and that Ross was %100 right about him?

>To me, its obvious that Ross misses the boat when it comes to what Tom Lykis teaches. Tom's show is really about how men need to take power back from a feminist, anti-male, society.

Hmmm...do I catch a wiff of...bitterness?

> He sees how men are degraded and robbed of their power in this world, and his aim is to EDUCATE men on how to keep their power, especially with women.

Well I'm not robbed of my power, Thundercat. I'm glad the world is like you, hypnotized and on autopilot, because that gives me the easy power to WAKE PEOPLE UP and turn them on to things that your little mind couldn't possibly imagine.

I'm sorry that evolution has dealt you a raw deal, and that you aren't able to learn the higher forms of seduction that would make you THE MAN instead of a poser of the MAN, but so it goes.

>Let me tell you - if ANY GUY out there has a problem with supplication, it'll be cured by listening to Tom Lykis. Sure, sometimes he goes too far and can sound very bitter about women. But for the most part, he speaks the truth.

Yeah, if you can't make a girl feel like a playful kid again, make her whole world a sensual playground without even having touched her, and fuck her in
a way she's never known before and will never know again, I guess you have to pretend like you have money and fame and are a dick to get laid.

>Tom's philosophy can really be divided into two parts - one is the technique, which is all about "getting laid for less money." The other is the philosophy, which is about having self respect, retaining your power, and keeping society from cutting off your balls.

Why would I even think about those things? They are a given, and you guys seem really worried about losing them.

>His point is that women don't undertand a man's need for sex. For us, ejaculation is as necessary as going to the bathroom.

He fails to under stand that sex is just as necessary for them. But they rarely if ever get really good sex. Mostly cuz guys like you think of nothing but ejaculating.

>Tom's philosophy is that if women aren't pleasing their men, their men will look for it elsewhere because that physical need to ejaculate is so strong.

Or they watch porn. What's the point and how does it help us? We gonna make all the women listen to this guys radio show?

> Ross tries to paint it as though Tom has this shallow view of sex, when in reality, he's trying to educate women on men's physical urges.

No, Ross probably sees alot of flaws and damaging info in this bratty jocky's memes and recognizes the opportunitty to do some good marketing while helping to derail the snake oil medicine show. Is that really so bad?

I mean here you are, the epitome of RAFC, and your making money off of a seduction site. If I were all pent up like you, I might fault you for it.

>Tom has been married 6 times. To my knowledge, Ross has never been married.

LOL being married 6 times (which equals six failures) is better than never being married ( which equals 0 failures and 0 dependents) ?
Jeez you've never actually been in a long term relationship, have you Thundy?

>and Tom has banged hundreds of women. To my knowledge, I don't know of any women Ross has banged.

Yes, Ross is one of the only gentlemen left in the PUA scene, and doesn't seem to have to expose his women to gain bragging rights. Since you know that Ross is good with women, I guess now your rant has just become a kind of age regression, and your reaching for straws.

I'm glad you look up to someone who brags about how many women he's "banged" enough that you can count them.

> (That's not to say there aren't any, I just don't know of any) Tom gets hot girls, and Ross, well, doesn't. Tom is rich. Ross isn't.

Not gonna back those statements up, are you, my
country bumpkin?

Monday, July 21, 2008

How Songs of Seduction Began Part III

So now I had my Seduction album, chocked full of theory, hypnotic music, and NLP lyrics to get a woman feeling connected, exhilerated, and sexually aroused...but it had never been field tested as a whole!
It was time to see if this monster we had created had real world power, so we all took a copy and went out to play.
For me, an opportunity arose quickly. My cousin and I were pulling in to the local Applebee's for happy hour when we spotted a luscious HB from behind. We couldn't see her face but her body was incredible, with the most perfect latino ass you could ever see on a white girl. My cousin had quite a few words of praise to say about it as we were walking in.
We straddled up to the bar for a cold one, and after a few minutes I recognized a female friend walking by and stopped her to say hello. My cousin said, "She's the one," and asked her to spin around. Sure enough, it was the girl who had been walking in we we pulled up, and her face proved to be just as attractive as the rest of her.
She was meeting a guy friend, who was already at the bar, but we talked a while and exchanged numbers in a purely platonic way. I had hung out with this girl in the past, having mutual friends, but we had never really flirted or experienced any kind of attraction for one another, so I figured she was a great candidate to try the album out on.
I called her the next day and asked her if she wanted to go see the free symphony in the park, and told her some old friends were going to be there. In a few days I was picking her up like in my Ford Futura to go to the show. I had decided for the night not to use any game or NLP whatsoever, and simply enjoy myself while the seduction music did it's work on the way to the concert and on the way back.
So we talked about old times on the way to the park while the hypnotic music built rapport and connection in the background.
The park was loaded with people, and luckily she had brought a blanket and I had brought a bottle of wine. This wasn't perceived as a romantic thing by my lady riend, because blankets and wine are just what you do at a symphony in the park. We talked about the music, joked around, and chatted with people we knew who came walking by our spot, but no seduction lines or methods were used during the evening. Of course I observed the basics of not supplicating or using AFC compliments, but the most in the way of game I might have done during the outing was light, playful kino. I just can't help that- my hands have minds of their own when there's a luscious HB around!
She mentioned the Songs of Seduction music we had listened to several times during the concert, complimenting me on it and asking what the songs were about, even though some of the most skilled classical musicians in the southeast were playing some truly amazing music on stage right in front of us! It was hard not to just naturally run into patterning or game when she asked about the songs, because I had written most of them, and they were essentially patterns and game rolled up into hypnotic rock! So I said as little as I could and let the mystery do it's work.
On the way home we listened to the last four songs on the album, the ones that stimulate sexual arousal, and instead of even asking her I drove straight to MY house. She was flirting with me all the way home, giggling like a school girl as 'Do IT Now!" pounded through the speakers, and by the time we got out at my place she absolutely could not keep her hands off of me!
I actually had trouble opening the door while she was unbuckling my pants, but I eventually got inside and got the job done in right!

There was no doubt in my mind. This album worked!

When my LTOR got back from vacation, I found that it worked on her, too!

Anytime I wanted to get sexual, I found that I could just put the album in and we would be doing the dirty by the time it ended. In fact, it probably made me a very seductively lazy man, and I settled down into a domesticated, one-woman actual LTR for quite some time.

But after the night of that first success, I had to ask: does the album just work for me, or would it work for other people too?

After all, these women KNEW I wrote the music. My voice was on some of the tracks. My bandmates were reporting similar sucsexful stories, but they could claim ownership of the songs too. was it partly social and artistic clout that was getting us laid, or was this album working just as we had planned it to?

There was only one way to find out that we knew of: put he prototype on ebay.

The first album sold in 35 minutes and we've been selling them ever since, with 100% positive feedback and some really wild claims, so we soon knew we had done something right!

To check out what these satisfied customers have to say, check out my last blog post and BE AMAZED!