Thursday, June 19, 2008

Introducing Speed Seduction Newsletters!

Even though Songs of Seduction will work wonders for your sex life in and of itself, using it with a complimentary method of persuasion (such as Speed Seduction, Swingcat's Real World Seduction, Tom Vizzinni and Kim McFarland's Essential Skills, or David Shade's Masterful-Lover products) will increases its power 10 fold!

That's why I'm going to be posting tips from various seduction gurus who's teachings I respect and whose seduction methods go hand in hand with our music. Ross Jeffries is first up. Our album was directly inspired by Speed Seduction(TM) and works on much the same model, so I'm sure you'll find that learning these free tips will expand your sargy sucsex exponentially!
Ross's newsletters start out with the basics, because let's face it, no matter how hot and ready YOUR patterns or MY music get her, her surrender is never certain if you are still an AFC!
- Seduction Maestro

How To Talk Women Into Your Bed

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

In this issue, I want to introduce some of the core concepts
for getting really good at seducing hot women, even when
you don't have looks, social status or money.

You can find out even more by having a look at my
amazing Speed Seduction Home Study Course, right here:


The Three Power Principles To Get Any Girl Into Bed

Here are three power principles that will allow you
to have choice, variety and consistent success with
the most amazing women, without the 5 B's:


1. Focus on her feelings first. Get your mind off the
BEHAVIORS you want from her(sex, undying loyalty, threesomes,
etc) and put your mind and focus on what feeling states she
would have to be in, in order to want to naturally give you
those behaviors.

2. Realize that the key to her feelings is her imagination.
Capture and lead her imagination and you can generate the
intense feelings and emotions she craves.

3. The key to capturing her imagination AND emotions is how
you use your language both in terms of what YOU say and what
you get her to talk about.

Think of a woman you really, REALLY want to be with.

Wouldn't you like her to experience the following emotional
"states" with you?


You would agree that those would be great for starters,
yes? That, given THOSE feelings, she would be far more likely
to say, "JUMP ME NOW" instead of "Let's just be friends!"

By the way, if the only thing you hear from women is "Let's
just be friends" it is because the only feeling states she
experiences around you are casual enjoyment and comfort.
Not enough to get her doing the grown up!)

Are you following along so far?

Now, you may have heard it said that women will decide in
the first ten seconds if they are going to sleep with a guy.

This is almost always NOT true. What is true is that when
women DO decide to sleep with you,(whether it's ten minutes
or ten months into knowing you) they will run that process
of deciding through their body and mind in LESS than ten

A woman's attraction to you may SEEM mysterious, like it
comes out of thin air.

But in reality, it is part of a process that she runs
through her mind and in her body.

Use your language in the right way, learn to get her to
ask the right questions, and she will run those processes
and feel those feelings with YOU as if the attraction and
desire were perfectly natural(and in a sense it really will

That's when you get power, choice and predictable success
with the women you really want.

That sure beats a poke in the eye, doesn't it?

And isn't that what we all really want?

Ok. I think I've piled enough on you for now. But I want
you to really re-read this newsletter another time. Maybe
print it out and take it with you for a long walk, and think
about the implications and how it begins to make sense of a
very important piece of your life. Remember the more we can
"de-mystify" women's emotions and make them something we can
bring to the surface and LINK to us, the more power, choice,
and enjoyment with women we are going to have; women most
guys just get to dream about.

In the next issue we'll get into the nuts and bolts of how
to actually start using your language to do this.

Until then,

P e a c e a n d p i e c e ,

R o s s

P.S. If you want to find out more about the Speed Seduction®
Home Study Course that has gotten thousands of guys going
strongly in the seduction game, getting them the women they
really want, check out my website, with free video files at:

United StatesFree Vids!

This newsletter and all contents are copyright 2006, Ross
Jeffries. This newsletter may be reposted and redistributed
in any format provided all content and all links are left
intact and proper authorship credit is given.

Ross Jeffries
6245 Bristol Parkway #275
Culver City
CA 90230

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